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Ernst Engineering Portfolio

Fossil Creek Meadows
Neighborhood Park

Fossil Creek is the main drainage way located within the Fossil Creek
Drainage Basin.

This drainage way receives inflows from various tributaries including Stone Creek, Mail Creek, and Lang Gulch. The Fossil Creek Meadows Homeowners Association proposed to remove an existing unsafe, older pedestrian bridge at one location and place a new bridge at another location further upstream.

The bridge locations were located within the Fossil Creek floodway. Ernst Engineering performed the required hydraulic modeling and scour analysis to evaluate the effects of the proposed bridgework within the floodway. The project required extensive review through the Larimer County Floodplain Special Review Process because the proposed work was to occur within the floodway.

Ernst Engineering prepared all the required hydraulic reports and documents for submittal to the Flood Review Board. Fred Ernst was required to attend the Flood Review Board Hearing to explain the modeling procedures and answer technical questions regarding the effects of the proposed construction within the floodway. The project was successfully recommended for approval by the Flood Review Board, and then ultimately approved by the County at the Board of County Commissioners Land Use Hearing.

Ernst Project